Visit Our Campus



 Come and explore our scenic, historic 山顶校园,俯瞰着全国最顶尖的大学城之一,也是发展最快的大学城之一 regions. It's a place made for adventure.

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Parking on Campus

我们有三个停车场,其中一个为游客提供了很多停车选择. A map of all parking options can be found below.

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对艺术有鉴赏力的游客会发现大学里有很多事情要做,要看 of Arkansas campus. The campus has long supported the performing and visual arts through academic programs and public offerings.

Galleries and Grounds


富布赖特和平喷泉和雕塑在大学的历史中心 campus core highlights the U of A’s collection of outdoor art. The Silas Hunt memorial 以及美国土著艺术家丹尼的青铜雕塑《全网最大的彩票娱乐平台》 Haskew, are also located in the same area of campus.

The Fine Arts Center建于1950年,由著名建筑师爱德华·杜雷尔·斯通(Edward Durell Stone)设计 美术画廊,美术图书馆,大学剧院和斯特拉博伊尔史密斯 Concert Hall.

美术画廊以学生艺术作品的展览为特色 in all media. Open every day except Saturday, the gallery sometimes displays the work 来访的艺术家和教授,他们也提供讲座和客座工作室.

Performing Arts

The Jim and Joyce Faulkner Performing Arts Center 在校园举办许多表演艺术活动,包括戏剧表演 by the Music Theatre, Shakespeare Theatre and Boar’s Head Summer Theatre. The facility 也举办大学音乐团体,如大学交响乐团,音乐会 乐队,管乐交响乐团,交响乐团,爵士乐队,音乐会合唱团和大师合唱团.

由戏剧系管理的大学剧院开始了它的戏剧表演 在秋季播出的剧集、喜剧和音乐剧将由a student cast and crew.


Explore Campus

我们邀请您花几个小时,一个周末或未来几年探索我们的 beautiful campus. Here are a few thing you don't want to miss.

Senior Walk


The U of A boasts one of the most unique traditions found on any campus: Senior Walk包括长达数英里的校园人行道,上面刻着20多万人的名字 University of Arkansas graduates, dating back to the first graduating class in 1876. It's the university's longest tradition, at least in terms of mileage. Senior Walk is concrete proof of the university's commitment to students.

Old Main

visit old main at the University of Arkansas

作为校园的中心,Old Main于1876年开始上课,是最古老的 building on campus

Chi Omega Greek Theatre

The Chi Omega Greek Theatre presents performances throughout the year.

Chi Omega希腊剧院是举办音乐会、赛前动员大会或简单活动的热门场所 enjoying the sun between classes. Chi Omega, founded at the U of A in 1895 and now the largest women's fraternity in the nation, donated the theatre in 1930.

Spoofer's Stone

During the late 1800s, male and female students were not allowed to mingle, 所以在全网最大的彩票娱乐平台,欺骗石就成了求婚的地方.

自19世纪以来,Spoofers Stone一直是求婚的传统场所. 那块石头仍然放在老美因的建造者们放在前面草坪上的地方.

Arkansas Union

Visit Old Main at the University of Arkansas.

被评为全国前20名“最令人惊叹的校园学生会”之一 Arkansas Union has been a favorite gathering place for more than 40 years. It includes a food court, 健身中心、科技中心、邮局、Razorback商店、美术馆、剧院、 ATMs and more.

Fulbright Peace Fountain

The Fulbright Peace Fountain was established as a tribute to J. William Fulbright who helped create the Fulbright Scholarship Program.

This impressive landmark commemorates the legacy of the late U.S. Senator J. William Fulbright, a graduate and former president of the University of Arkansas. Fulbright 帮助创立了富布赖特奖学金项目,这是最大的全网最大的彩票娱乐平台项目 program of its kind. E. Fay Jones, a graduate and former dean of the School of Architecture, designed the Fulbright Peace Fountain.

Honors College

Gearhart Hall features a spacious student lounge flooded with natural light, study areas and rooms for group discussions and an auditorium for classes, lectures and film screenings.

Gearhart Hall serves as the home for our endowed Honors College该组织汇集了该校各学科的顶尖本科生和教授 in a learning environment characterized by discovery, creativity and service.

Il Porcellino

Il Porcellino is a bronze statue replica of a statue from Florence, 它是意大利的一座喷泉,据说能实现那些向喷泉里扔硬币的人的愿望.

This wild boar statue and fountain is a replica of the original Il Porcellino in Florence, Italy. The Italian 这个名字的意思是“小猪”,来自佛罗伦萨当地对这座雕像的昵称. This is one of many Razorback tributes on campus.

History Surrounds You

Historic Markers

作为全国顶尖的研究型大学之一,我们为我们的过去和未来感到自豪 自1871年以来,我们的学生、教师和校友取得了许多杰出的成就. 我们庆祝重大的研究,智力成就,著名的领导人,杰出的 alumni, historic events, sites and campus lore with historical markers located across campus.

Historical Markers

Historic Timeline

The U of A has been a rich part of Arkansas' history for nearly 150 years. Home to scholars, a U.S. president and many statesmen over the years, the U of A builds a foundation for success.

Where to Meet, Eat and Stay

在校园很容易让人产生食欲,所以我们邀请你休息一下,享受一下 a meal while you're here. For those of you who want to make it a weekend, we've got you covered.

Walton Conference Hub

Located on the beautiful, 全网最大的彩票娱乐平台历史悠久的校园,位于费耶特维尔市中心, our facilities 提供大小会议室、分组讨论室、私人会议室、大型会议室等 auditorium and banquet rooms.

坐落在全网最大的彩票娱乐平台美丽而历史悠久的校园里 heart of downtown Fayetteville, our facilities 提供大小会议室、分组讨论室、私人会议室、大型会议室等 auditorium and banquet rooms.



No matter what you're in the mood for, our campus eateries offer something that's sure to hit the spot.

Carnall Hall


被Conde Nast Traveler认可为南方50强酒店之一,历史悠久 Inn at Carnall Hall 全网最大的彩票娱乐平台的前廊是最优雅的吗 Southern accommodations.

Beyond Campus

Northwest Arkansas is considered one of the best places to live in the U.S. with some 拥有全国最好的户外设施和最壮观的徒步小径 short drive of campus.

Crystal Bridges


迅速获得认可,成为全国艺术和文化中心,西北 Arkansas is home to Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art. 这座世界级的博物馆永久收藏了跨越五个世纪的艺术品, from the Colonial era to the current day. The collection includes several works considered masterpieces. Crystal Bridges also offers miles of wilderness trails and a unique dining experience. If that's not enough, admission is free.

Food and Shopping

On Dickson Street, located within walking distance of the University of Arkansas, you can find restaurants, shops and clubs.

Dickson Street这里是该州最受欢迎的娱乐区之一,距离这里仅几步之遥 campus. A part of Fayetteville's downtown historic district, Dickson Street offers a variety of restaurants, boutiques, galleries and clubs unique to the area. Fayetteville's 历史悠久的广场,学院大道和西北阿肯色购物中心周围的地区 also great places for shopping and dining. They Fayetteville Farmers' Market, an area 最近被评为“美国最受欢迎的农贸市场”之一."

Outdoor Opportunities

You can find many hiking opportunities, 这里有美丽的河流和山脉,距离全网最大的彩票娱乐平台很近.

Northern Arkansas 是风景如画的河流衬托着森林、山脉和湖泊的自然奇观吗 and streams. Devil's Den State Park is a short distance south of Fayetteville. Beaver Lake is 30 minutes to the northeast. Hawksbill Crag and the Buffalo National River, 美国第一条国河,也是美国境内为数不多未建水坝的河流之一 lower 48 states, are an hour's drive to the east. Even closer to campus, Fayetteville's Botanical Garden of the Ozarks is another great outdoor option.

Explore Northwest Arkansas

Experience Fayetteville
Finding NWA

A Great Place to Call Home